Alright I'm going to give this a shot. My wife is always blogging and reading other people's blogs and talking about how great it all is, and so I would be a fool not to get in on it myself! Right? Undoubtedly as you read this sitting in your leather chair, in front of your huge fireplace, surrounded by beautiful oak walls, smoking your pipe you are thinking, why should I read this young man's blog? Well I'll tell you. Because it is going to be awesome. I have lots of ideas exploding in my head right now and I intend on letting them fragment all over this website. So I'll break down for you what each section should entail. Epic life will be basically about living epic-ally. Which is how I roll. Or will start rolling. Or walking. Rolling would be ridiculous. It would take more time and I would get all dirty. So anyways I am gonna talk about what I'm reading in Scriptures, I'm gonna talk about my life as I see it, and I'm gonna talk about life as I wish it were or as I think it should be. Basically that's my anything page. Failed recipes is just that. Awful food that my wife and I make so you know what not to cook. It may also carry over into metaphors of life. So that should be awesome. Trips I wish I was on will be either those I'm envious of or am planning. So feel free to join in, because company is always welcome. Flavor of the month is a good one. Anyone who knows me well knows I am always excited about something. It usually changes month to month or so but I am always getting pumped up about crazy things. Like Jeeps, or Grand Wagoneers, or Glacier national park. Or cross country rollerblading. Who knows? You will when you read that page. I'm gonna rant and rave and talk about whatever it is. My life list will be the places I really want to visit in my life and the things I really want to do. I am also gonna do a feature there called "Likely Stories from the Future" where I'll make up stories about stuff that "happened" while I was "there" in the future. Then finally Java is going to be writing her thoughts on her "Java's Jaunts" page.
So this should be great! Buckle up and enjoy the ride. That's a rediculous thing to say. Just enjoy it and I will do my best to keep it awesome. I leave you with this...
WOW You guys work fast! What a great blog site. love the design and all the topics. I'm sure I will get a great laugh each and every time I read! Let the blogging commence!
ReplyDeleteOh I was just going to become a follower but I only wanted to do it if I could brag I was the first. I'm already too late. THIS IS GONNA BE HUGE